Source code for brainaccess.connect.processor

import ctypes
from brainaccess.connect import _dll
import numpy as np

from typing import Optional

# ctypes

_dll.ba_bci_connect_get_signal_quality.argtypes = [
_dll.ba_bci_connect_get_signal_quality.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_detrend.argtypes = [
_dll.ba_bci_connect_detrend.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_median.argtypes = [
_dll.ba_bci_connect_median.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_mad.argtypes = [
_dll.ba_bci_connect_mad.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_mean.argtypes = [
_dll.ba_bci_connect_mean.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_std.argtypes = [
_dll.ba_bci_connect_std.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_demean.argtypes = [
_dll.ba_bci_connect_demean.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_standartize.argtypes = [
_dll.ba_bci_connect_standartize.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_ewma.argtypes = (
_dll.ba_bci_connect_ewma.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_ewma_standartize.argtypes = (
_dll.ba_bci_connect_ewma_standartize.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_filter_notch.argtypes = (
_dll.ba_bci_connect_filter_notch.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_filter_bandpass.argtypes = (
_dll.ba_bci_connect_filter_bandpass.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_filter_highpass.argtypes = (
_dll.ba_bci_connect_filter_highpass.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_filter_lowpass.argtypes = (
_dll.ba_bci_connect_filter_lowpass.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_fft.argtypes = [
_dll.ba_bci_connect_fft.restype = None

_dll.ba_bci_connect_minmax.argtypes = [
_dll.ba_bci_connect_minmax.restype = None

[docs] def get_signal_quality(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate signal quality for each channel in the data This function estimates the EEG signal quality for each channel based on amplitude variation and 50/60Hz noise level. The supplied data should be unprocessed of 2-3 seconds length. If signals do not pass the quality measures of this function, then it means that they are really corrupted or the electrodes are not fitted. Eye or muscle artifacts are not evaluated by this function, signals containing theses should still pass the quality measures. Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) Returns -------- np.ndarray signal quality for each channel in the same order as x * 0 - signal is bad and did not pass any quality measure * 1 - signal passed amplitude related quality measures * 2 - signal also do not contain significant amounts of 50/60Hz noise """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros(chans)) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_get_signal_quality(c_arr, chans, time_points, c_result) return np.array(c_result[0:chans])
[docs] def detrend(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Remove linear trend from each channel Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) Returns ----------- np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros(chans * time_points)) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_detrend(c_arr, chans, time_points, c_result) return np.array(c_result[: chans * time_points]).reshape((chans, time_points))
[docs] def mad(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate median absolute deviation for each channel in the data Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) Returns -------- np.ndarray """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros(chans)) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_mad(c_arr, chans, time_points, c_result) return np.array(c_result)
[docs] def get_minmax(x: np.ndarray) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Calculate min and max for each channel in the data Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) Returns -------- dict min and max for each channel in the same order as x """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) result = np.zeros(chans) c_result_min = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(result.copy()) c_result_max = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(result.copy()) _dll.ba_bci_connect_minmax(c_arr, chans, time_points, c_result_min, c_result_max) return { "min": np.array(c_result_min[0:chans]), "max": np.array(c_result_max[0:chans]), }
[docs] def median(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate median for each channel in the data Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) Returns -------- np.ndarray medians for each channel in the same order as x """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) result = np.zeros(chans) c_result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(result) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_median(c_arr, chans, time_points, c_result) return np.array(c_result[0:chans])
[docs] def mean(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate mean for each channel in the data Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) Returns -------- np.ndarray means for each channel in the same order as x """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) result = np.zeros(chans) c_result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(result) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_mean(c_arr, chans, time_points, c_result) return np.array(c_result[0:chans])
[docs] def std(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate standard deviation for each channel in the data Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) Returns -------- np.ndarray standard deviation for each channel in the same order as x """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) result = np.zeros(chans) c_result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(result) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_std(c_arr, chans, time_points, c_result) return np.array(c_result[0:chans])
[docs] def demean(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Subtract mean from each channel Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) Returns ----------- np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros(chans * time_points)) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_demean(c_arr, chans, time_points, c_result) return np.array(c_result[: chans * time_points]).reshape((chans, time_points))
[docs] def standardize(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Data standardization Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) Returns ----------- np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros(chans * time_points)) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_standartize(c_arr, chans, time_points, c_result) return np.array(c_result[: chans * time_points]).reshape((chans, time_points))
[docs] def ewma(x: np.ndarray, alpha: float = 0.001) -> np.ndarray: """Exponential weighed moving average helper_function Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) alpha: float new factor Returns ----------- np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros(chans * time_points)) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_ewma(c_arr, chans, time_points, np.float64(alpha), c_result) return np.array(c_result[: chans * time_points]).reshape((chans, time_points))
[docs] def ewma_standardize( x: np.ndarray, alpha: float = 0.001, epsilon: float = 1e-4 ) -> np.ndarray: """Exponential weighed moving average standardization First-order infinite impulse response filter that applies weighting factors which decrease exponentially Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) alpha: float Represents the degree of weighting decrease, a constant smoothing factor between 0 and 1. A higher alpha discounts older observations faster. epsilon: float Stabilizer for division by zero variance Returns ----------- np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros(chans * time_points)) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_ewma_standartize( c_arr, chans, time_points, np.float64(alpha), np.float64(epsilon), c_result ) return np.array(c_result[: chans * time_points]).reshape((chans, time_points))
[docs] def filter_notch( x: np.ndarray, sampling_freq: float, center_freq: float, width_freq: float ) -> np.ndarray: """Notch filter at desired frequency Butterworth 4th order zero phase bandpass filter Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) sampling_freq: float data sampling rate center_freq: float notch filter center frequency width_freq: float notch filter width Returns ----------- np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) Warnings --------- Data must be detrended or passed through ba_bci_connect_ewma_standartize before applying notch filter """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_filter_notch( c_arr, ctypes.c_size_t(chans), ctypes.c_size_t(time_points), ctypes.c_double(sampling_freq), ctypes.c_double(center_freq), ctypes.c_double(width_freq), ) return np.array(c_arr[: chans * time_points]).reshape((chans, time_points))
[docs] def filter_bandpass( x: np.ndarray, sampling_freq: float, freq_low: float, freq_high: float ) -> np.ndarray: """Bandpass filter Butterworth 5th order zero phase bandpass filter Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) sampling_freq: float data sampling rate freq_low: float frequency to filter from freq_high: float frequency to filter to Returns ----------- np.ndarray filtered data, shape (channels, time) Warnings --------- Data must be detrended or passed through ba_bci_connect_ewma_standartize before applying notch filter """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_filter_bandpass( c_arr, ctypes.c_size_t(chans), ctypes.c_size_t(time_points), ctypes.c_double(sampling_freq), ctypes.c_double(freq_low), ctypes.c_double(freq_high), ) return np.array(c_arr[: chans * time_points]).reshape((chans, time_points))
[docs] def filter_highpass(x: np.ndarray, sampling_freq: float, freq: float) -> np.ndarray: """High-pass filter Butterworth 5th order zero phase high-pass filter Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) sampling_freq: float data sampling rate freq: float edge frequency Returns ----------- np.ndarray filtered data, shape (channels, time) Warnings --------- Data must be detrended or passed through ba_bci_connect_ewma_standartize before applying notch filter """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_filter_highpass( c_arr, ctypes.c_size_t(chans), ctypes.c_size_t(time_points), ctypes.c_double(sampling_freq), ctypes.c_double(freq), ) return np.array(c_arr[: chans * time_points]).reshape((chans, time_points))
[docs] def filter_lowpass(x: np.ndarray, sampling_freq: float, freq: float) -> np.ndarray: """Low-pass filter Butterworth 5th order zero phase low-pass filter Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) sampling_freq: float data sampling rate freq: float edge frequency Returns ----------- np.ndarray filtered data, shape (channels, time) Warnings --------- Data must be detrended or passed through ba_bci_connect_ewma_standartize before applying notch filter """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) _dll.ba_bci_connect_filter_lowpass( c_arr, ctypes.c_size_t(chans), ctypes.c_size_t(time_points), ctypes.c_double(sampling_freq), ctypes.c_double(freq), ) return np.array(c_arr[: chans * time_points]).reshape((chans, time_points))
[docs] def fft(x: np.ndarray, sampling_freq: float) -> dict: """Compute the discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with the efficient Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm Parameters ----------- x: np.ndarray data array, shape (channels, time) sampling_freq: float data sampling rate Returns ----------- dict dictionary (key: value) - freq: frequencies - mag: amplitudes - phase: phases """ chans = x.shape[0] time_points = x.shape[1] _x = x.copy().ravel(order="C").astype(np.float64) c_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(_x) n_time_steps = (time_points - (time_points % 2)) // 2 + 1 c_result_mag = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros(chans * n_time_steps)) c_result_phase = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros(chans * n_time_steps)) _dll.ba_bci_connect_fft( c_arr, chans, time_points, sampling_freq, c_result_mag, c_result_phase ) freqs = np.linspace(0, sampling_freq / 2, n_time_steps) mags = np.array(c_result_mag[: chans * n_time_steps]).reshape((chans, n_time_steps)) phases = np.array(c_result_phase[: chans * n_time_steps]).reshape( (chans, n_time_steps) ) return {"freq": freqs, "mag": mags * 2, "phase": phases}
[docs] def cut_into_epochs( data: np.ndarray, sfreq: float, epoch_length: Optional[float] = None, overlap: float = 0.5, ) -> np.ndarray: """Cut data into epochs Args: data: np.ndarray: (n_channels, n_times) sfreq: float: sampling frequency epoch_len: float: (Default value = 1.0) length of epoch in seconds overlap: float: (Default value = 0.0) ratio of overlap between epochs Returns: output: np.ndarray: (n_epochs, n_channels, n_times) """ if data.ndim == 1: data = data.reshape((1, -1)) if data.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("data must be 1D or 2D") n_channels = data.shape[0] n_times = data.shape[1] if epoch_length is None: _epoch_length = n_times / sfreq if _epoch_length > 15.0: _epoch_length = 5 else: _epoch_length = epoch_length _epoch_length = int(_epoch_length * sfreq) if overlap < 1: overlap = 1 - overlap else: overlap = 1 n_epochs = int(np.floor(n_times / _epoch_length / overlap)) epochs = np.zeros((n_epochs, n_channels, _epoch_length)) for idx, _ in enumerate(epochs): dat = data[ :, int(idx * _epoch_length * overlap) : int(idx * _epoch_length * overlap) + _epoch_length, ] if dat.shape[1] == _epoch_length: epochs[idx] = dat return epochs
[docs] def get_bands( data: np.ndarray, sfreq: float, epoch_length: Optional[float] = None, overlap: float = 0.1, normalize: bool = False, ): """EEG power in delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma frequency bands for each channel Args: data: np.ndarray: (n_channels, n_times) sfreq: float: sampling frequency epoch_length: Optional[float]: (Default value = None) To reduce noise, data is cut into epochs and mean power values calculated If None, epoch length is 5 seconds for data longer then 15 seconds, otherwise all data is used without epoching overlap: float: (Default value = 0.1) Ratio of overlap between epochs normalize: bool: (Default value = False) Normalize power in each frequency band by total power Returns: output: dict: - delta: np.ndarray (n_channels) - theta: np.ndarray (n_channels) - alpha: np.ndarray (n_channels) - beta: np.ndarray (n_channels) - gamma: np.ndarray (n_channels) """ # cut into epochs to average out noise data = cut_into_epochs(data, sfreq, epoch_length=epoch_length, overlap=overlap) # calculate power in each frequency band _bands = [] for epoch in data: epoch = demean(epoch) _bands.append( get_pow_freq_bands( epoch, sfreq, freq_bands=np.array([0.5, 4.0, 8.0, 13.0, 30.0, 100.0]), normalize=normalize, ) ) # average over epochs bands = np.array(_bands) bands = np.mean(bands, axis=0) return { "delta": list(bands[:, 0]), "theta": list(bands[:, 1]), "alpha": list(bands[:, 2]), "beta": list(bands[:, 3]), "gamma": list(bands[:, 4]), }
[docs] def get_pow_freq_bands( data: np.ndarray, sfreq: float, freq_bands: np.ndarray = np.array([0.5, 4.0, 8.0, 13.0, 30.0, 100.0]), normalize: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Power Spectrum (computed by frequency bands). Args: data: np.ndarray: (n_channels, n_times) sfreq: float: sampling frequency freq_bands: np.ndarray: (Default value = np.array([0.5, 4.0, 8.0, 13.0, 30.0, 100.0])): frequency intervals defining bands: delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma (default) normalize: bool: (Default value = True) normalize power in each frequency band by total power Returns: output: ndarray, shape (n_channels, (len(freq_bands)- 1),) """ n_channels = data.shape[0] fb = np.zeros((len(freq_bands) - 1, 2)) for idx, x in enumerate(freq_bands[:-1]): fb[idx, 0] = x fb[idx, 1] = freq_bands[idx + 1] n_freq_bands = fb.shape[0] # fft fft_data = fft(data, sfreq) freqs = fft_data["freq"] psd = fft_data["mag"] ** 2 # power in each frequency band pow_freq_bands = np.empty((n_channels, n_freq_bands)) for j in range(n_freq_bands): mask = np.logical_and(freqs >= fb[j, 0], freqs <= fb[j, 1]) psd_band = psd[:, mask] pow_freq_bands[:, j] = np.sum(psd_band, axis=-1) if normalize: pow_freq_bands = np.divide(pow_freq_bands, np.sum(psd, axis=-1)[:, None]) return pow_freq_bands